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What is car GAP insurance?

Car crashes into the back of another

If you’ve ever bought a brand-new car, the chances are that the dealership has tried to sell you GAP insurance. But what is GAP insurance, and do you need it? If you do, where should you purchase it from?

Here we’ll examine some of the different types of Gap insurance available, look at when drivers should consider buying Gap insurance, and other important information for you to consider.

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Speed awareness courses could ‘invalidate’ insurance

New questions have been raised over the links between the police and companies offering speed awareness courses, with motorists potentially risking major problems if they fail to tell insurers about courses.

Insurers have admitted that they currently treat speed awareness courses the same as penalty points, and it’s feared that failing to declare taking part in a course could invalidate an insurance policy.

The courses allow drivers to avoid having penalty points on their licence, and cost between £80 and £150.  Campaigners have said that this lulls motorists into a false sense of security that the courses do not have to be declared.

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