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The Ultimate MOT Guide

  Friday, 29 November 2024

MOT vehicle testing station sign

The MOT (Ministry of Transport) test is Britain’s annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness and emissions. The MOT is a legal requirement in the UK, and if you own a car above a certain age, you’ll need to have regular MOTs. So, we have created an MOT guide that helps you to better understand what the MOT involves, when your MOT is due and what happens if your car fails.

Why your car requires an MOT certificate

The MOT test is designed to ensure that your vehicle meets road safety and environmental standards: as such, it’s something that must be carried out annually.

You’re legally required to get an MOT for a vehicle either on the third anniversary of its registration, or the anniversary of its last MOT, if the vehicle is over three years old.

There are a few vehicles that need to be tested having been on the road for only a year. These include ambulances, taxis and private passenger vehicles with more than 16 passenger seats.

What is the earliest date your vehicle can get an MOT?

An MOT is certified for a year and the date it runs out will be printed on the most recent certificate. You can book an MOT up to a month (minus a day) before the certificate runs out and you’ll still be permitted to keep the same renewal date.

You cannot legally drive your vehicle on the road without a valid MOT certificate, so if your MOT has expired you will be prosecuted if caught by the police. There are two exceptions to this:

  • If you’re driving to or from somewhere to have the vehicle repaired
  • If you’re heading to a pre-arranged MOT test

To check whether your vehicle requires an MOT test or check its MOT history, you can do so on Gov.UK.

How do you book an MOT for your vehicle?

MOT’s must be carried out at an approved MOT test centre. An approved test centre will show the blue sign (shown above) with three white triangles — the symbol that represents certification.

What is the most a garage can charge for an MOT?

There is a maximum amount that an MOT test centre can charge. Check what the current maximum fee is. Don’t pay more than this. VAT also cannot be charged on an MOT fee.

What happens at an MOT?

A number of important parts on your vehicle will be checked to ensure that they meet the legal standards. These include the brakes, fuel system, lights, windscreen wipers and exhaust system. However, an MOT doesn’t cover the condition of the engine, the clutch, or the gearbox.

Understanding the result of your vehicle’s MOT

The MOT result is presented as either a pass or fail. If your car fails the test, you’ll be given a list of things that need to be repaired before it can pass. If it passes, you’ll be given an MOT certificate from the test centre and the result of the test will be recorded in the national MOT database.

You’ll also notice that your MOT certificate will show the mileage recorded at the current and previous three test passes. It’s important to have a quick look at these figures, which are recorded as the ‘odometer reading and history’, as you need to report any mistakes on the reading to the MOT centre within seven days in order to obtain a replacement certificate.

What is the most common fail on an MOT?

It is easy for a car to fail an MOT. Faulty headlight bulbs, inadequate suspension, worn brake pads and tyres with low tread depth are common reasons for failure. There are some very simple ways to fail that drivers may not even be aware of. For example, screen wash that isn’t topped up or warning lights on the dashboard will see your car being failed immediately. Believe it or not, a car full of rubbish can mean a failure before the test even starts – this is because an MOT tester needs to be able to easily access every part of your vehicle.

What happens if your vehicle fails an MOT?

If your vehicle fails, you will be given a ‘Refusal of an MOT test certificate’ document from the test centre, and the result will be recorded in the MOT database.

In the result of a fail, you can take your vehicle away if your MOT certificate is still valid. If your MOT has run out, you can still drive your car if it is to take it to a garage to have the failed defects fixed. Often you can have them fixed at the garage where the MOT test took place. If a dangerous defect is found during the MOT, and you want to move the vehicle, you will have to get it towed.

Your car insurance and tax will become invalid as soon as your car fails an MOT, or your MOT expires.

What is an advisory?

Whether your car passes or fails its MOT, your test certificate may include ‘advisories’ – these are issues with the vehicle which the examiner has noted that need addressing. They are not in themselves enough to fail an MOT, but if left unresolved they may do in the future.

What happens if you want to appeal your MOT?

You can appeal against the result of an MOT test. Usually this would be if you think it should have passed, but you can also appeal if you think the vehicle should have failed. You do this through the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), by filling in a complaint form and sending it to the DVSA within 14 working days of the test. You will be offered an appointment within five days to recheck your vehicle - you’ll need to pay the full test fee again - and the DVSA will send you an inspection report listing any vehicle defects and advisory changes that need to be made.

If you want to, you can take your own action against an MOT test centre through trading standards, legal proceedings or through reporting the centre to the police. The DVSA won’t help you in any way if you decide on this course of action.

What can I be fined for driving without a valid MOT certificate?

You can be fined £1,000 if you are caught driving a vehicle without a valid MOT. However, you are more likely to be given a fixed penalty notice fine of £100, which has to be paid within 28 days.

If your car failed with a major fault and has been classed as dangerous to drive, you can be fined up to £2,500 if you are caught driving without a valid MOT. In these circumstances you could be banned from driving for six months and be given penalty points on your licence.

Keep your car in good condition with parts from ASM

One of the most effective ways to ensure your car is in great condition – and has a better chance of passing its MOT – is through replacing those older parts. In our used car parts store you can search by your car registration, make and model and find all the parts that we have available for your vehicle. You can also use our parts enquiry form.

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