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The Afterlife of a Car - Infographic

  Friday, 9 January 2015

Ever wondered what happens to your car after you’ve disposed of it? Our brand new infographic contains some great information on just where our cars go when we’ve finished driving them.

If you’ve ever wondered how the salvage industry works, this is the infographic for you:

The Afterlife of a Car

Love our infographic? Copy and paste the code below to embed this to your site:

<a href="https://www.asm-autos.co.uk/blog/the-afterlife-of-a-car-infographic/"><img src="https://www.asm-autos.co.uk/storage/150109-the-afterlife-of-a-car-infographic.jpg" title="The Afterlife of a Car" alt="The Afterlife of a Car" /></a>

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